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配置windows update卡住不动 35,1. "解决Windows Update卡顿问题的有效方法
作者:君泉手游网 发布时间:2024-12-14 15:48:26

Windows Update卡住不动的常见原因


配置windows update卡住不动 35,1. "解决Windows Update卡顿问题的有效方法


确保网络连接正常是进行任何在线操作的基础。如果您的计算机无法稳定接入互联网,Windows Update将难以下载所需的数据,从而导致进程中断。在这种情况下,可以尝试重启路由器或切换到其他可用的Wi-Fi网络。此外,有时使用有线连接比无线信号更加可靠,可以考虑临时采用这一方式来完成更新。


每次执行系统更新都需要一定量的存储空间。当硬盘驱动器上的剩余容量低于10GB时,系统可能无法成功安装新的更新。这种情况可以通过删除一些不必要的软件和文件(如旧的视频、图片等)来缓解。同时,也可以借助内置工具清理临时文件,以腾出更多空间供Windows Update使用。


windows自带了一个强大的故障排除工具,可以自动检测并修复与Update相关的问题。进入设置菜单中的“更新时间和安全性”,找到“疑难解答”选项,然后选择"Windows 更新",按提示操作即可。这一过程能查找潜在问题,并为其提供相应解决方案,大部分时候能够顺利恢复正常功能。


If Windows Update持续出现异常,那么手动停止并重新启动相关服务也许会有所帮助。打开命令提示符窗口(管理员权限),输入以下几条命令依次回车:

net stop wuauservnet stop cryptSvcnet stop bitsnet stop msiservernet start wuauservnet start cryptSvcnet start bitsnet start msiserver

This will reset the update services and may clear any background issues causing it to hang.


A computer infected with malware can exhibit erratic behavior, including stalling during updates. Using a reliable antivirus or antimalware software for a full system scan is essential. It’s advisable to ensure that your security programs are up-to-date before running this check.

Troubleshooting Installation Issues After Restarting Updates

If after performing these steps, Windows continues getting stuck on updating process 35, consider checking installation logs for specific errors by viewing Event Viewer (search "Event Viewer" in the Start menu). This tool provides detailed information about what happened during an unsuccessful attempt at installing updates which could point you towards more targeted solutions.

Your Last Resort: Resetting Your PC / Reinstalling Windows

If all else fails and you cannot resolve the issue through troubleshooting methods mentioned above; resetting your PC might be necessary as a last resort option allowing users either keep personal files while reinstalling operating systems or choosing complete wipe of everything thus starting fresh without lingering problems from previous configurations!

The Importance of Regular System Maintenance

Caring for one"s digital environment goes beyond just waiting until something breaks down - regular maintenance coupled with proactive measures such as conducting routine scans/checks/updates keeps performance levels optimal maintaining both user satisfaction & productivity across devices! Keeping backup copies available helps too since recovery times drastically reduce when backups exist should future incidents occur again unexpectedly where manual interventions become inevitable due hardware failures etc.. 

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